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Employee Engagement Through Motivation in The Banking Sector

Employees’ behaviour will lead to organizational success (von Rosenstiel, 2011). Four factors directly influence an employee’s voluntary behaviour are -Motivation, Ability, Role receptions and situational factors. These key factors of behavior and performance are diagrammed in the MARS model. If the mentioned factors are at a low level, employees are unable to achieve the target performance (McShane & Glinow, 2016).

Employee rewards and recognition system that acknowledge employee Input into the organizational goals and admiring for their inputs are required for a high-performing productivity, happier employees and reduced turnover (Safiullah, 2014)

According to, (Silverman, 2004) Non-Financial recognition is a system of rewarding employee in an organization in a term of task or job completion. It is a casual way of recognition, where an organization admitting employees attempt by,
  • ·         Immediate supervisor saying Thank You for the effort
  • ·         Immediate supervisor officially sending a letter by appreciating hard work
  • ·         Senior Manager appreciating and sending an email to an employee
  • ·      Immediate a supervisor or Senior Manager Appreciating employee in the middle of the meeting

According to (Yousaf et al., 2014) Financial recognition is a system where a rewarding employee in the following manner,

  • ·         Balanced and Fair Pay system
  • ·         Sound Bonus Pay
  • ·         Paid Vacation
  • ·         Providing transportation
  • ·         Providing a Health and Life insurance 

The bank I work for engaging in many financial and non-financial activities to motivate the banking employees, Non-financial activities are a free tool that the bank is using to motivate the banking employees. Such as, when a job is done, the senior manager uses to send a global email appreciating the employee great job and appreciating a great job in the middle of the staff meeting. Not only Non-Financial rewards but also the bank is more concern about financial rewards such as arranging staff transportation system to the main point where the employees can easily get in and paying a good bonus to appreciate the hard work throughout the year.
The organization could further improve engagement if they can pay a balanced and fair pay system, especially staff who works in the organization for many years.

Employee Engagement and Ability

Conducting a training and development program to employee creates a sense of community and opportunities for employees to be stimulated, hold each other with responsible, and willing to take risks to increase their contribution and satisfaction. (Siddiqui and Sahar, 2019).
Following are the employee engagement activities in the bank I work for,
  • ·         Conducting activities to increase two-way communication among employees.
  • Ex-Open door policies, department meetings, face to face feedback.
  • ·         Activities to build the team to achieve a common goal in the organization
  • ·         Leadership develop activities

Employee Engagement and Role receptions

They are the beliefs about what behaviour is necessary to achieve the desired results and have a check that everyone is clear regarding their part. In the organization where I worked applied role receptions in the following way, 
  • Specific- Specifically each staff member at branch Understanding the tasks to be performed.
  • Measurable - Measures the milestone by measuring the progression 
  • Achievable- Achievable Setting up an achievable task by understanding the associated importance of tasks allotted.
  • Relevant - All the new products and services should align with Organization common goal.
  • Time - Keeping time is 3wbound to achieve a common goal. 
  • ·         Manik, E. and Sidharta, I. (2017). The Impact of Motivation, Ability, Role Perception on Employee Performance and Situational Factor as Moderating Variable of Public Agency in Bandung, Indonesia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, 3(4), p.67.
  • ·         McShane S.& Von Glinow M.2016.Organizational Behavior 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • ·         Safiullah, A. (2014). Impact of Rewards on Employee Motivation of the Telecommunication Industry of Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16(12), pp.22-24.
  • ·         Siddiqui, D. and Sahar, N. (2019). The Impact of Training & Development and Communication on Employee Engagement¬ – A Study of Banking Sector. Business Management and Strategy, 10(1), pp.24-27.
  • ·         Silverman, M. (2004). Non-Financial Recognition : Most Effective Of Reward?. 1st ed. Brighton: Institute For Employment Studies, pp.1-4.
  • ·        Von Rosenstiel, L.(2011).Employee Behavior in Organizations.On the Current Stage Of Research management revu.22(4),pp.349-350.
  • ·         Yousaf, S., Latif, M., Aslam, S. and Saddiqui, A. (2014). Impact of Financial and non Financial Rewards on Employee Motivation. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 21(10), pp.1776-1780.


  1. Agree on your above description. Also, people are more likely to behave in the interests of the company when people are engaged and committed and they have less need to be regulated and measured Essentially, engaged people can be expected to act in the company's interests, partially because they considered their interests to be the same as, or compatible with, the company's interests (Gratton, 2004).

    1. Hi Anjula, Thank you very much for your comment on my blog, Yes engaged employee always act on the betterment of the organization. It is easy to increase the productivity of the engaged employee since the engaged employees are self-motivated.

  2. Well described Nayani. In addition, one of the most important drivers of employee engagement that is often overlooked is ensuring employees have all the right tools needed to succeed in their roles. These are the employees who possess both the psychological investment in their jobs and the resources to adapt to an ever changing business world (Silverman, 2004). Lytle (2016) also states providing individual attention has been proven to improve employee engagement in the workplace.

    1. Than you very much Jehan on your valuable comment on my blog post. As define by Cabonara, ( 2012) Well engaged employee understand the value of the organization and organization goals. Engaged employee show positive attitudes where it is a positive emotion connected with engagement. Positive emotion carry a efficient employee to the organization.

  3. Adding on to your article. Higher engaged employees increase organization profitability and lead to gain competitive advantage. Employees engagement is the main factor that determine organization success and sustainability (Vance,2006).

    1. Hi Sankalpa, Thank you for your comment on my blog post where an engaged employee always stand for the organization and quickly finding a solution to any matter arise and make sure organization productivity continuously grow (Allen, 2014). It is a huge advantage for the organization.

  4. some Other author's findings: Bond (2010), in a study of call centre workers, found that a relatively small increase in autonomy led to a significant increase in motivation, alongside a decrease in absenteeism and mental distress., Wrzniewski and Dutton (2001) studied hospital cleaning staff, and found that those given more autonomy to interact with patients, visitors and others were more satisfied than their counterparts, and felt they were playing a more important role and Humphrey et al (2007) in their meta-study, found that 14 different work characteristics explained 43% of the variance in a range of 19 different worker attitudes and behaviors.

    1. Thank you Radchika, for your important points you have add on blog post. Employee engagement activities are investment to an organization. Employee feel safe and greater with higher satisfaction while they work. Engagement creates a positive relationship between employee and employer where the employee work with passion and it will increase the level the customer satisfaction.

  5. Further to the above, according to Hackman and Oldham (1974) work on motivation showes that when employees could see the outcome of their work, they were more likely to be committed to it. Impact means that employees feel that their hard work will lead to desired results. So when the employees seeing that their work will affect customer response to the Bank. When employees realize that their attitude and
    behaviors will show up in customer attitude and behaviours, these employees are more engaged as they know that what they do makes a difference.

    1. Hi Sheron, Adding some more points on your comment, By motivating the employee in financially and non financially automatically stimulate to work. Hence organization benefits with higher productivity. Motivated employee creates a loyal customer where the loyal customer tends tom increase the bottom line profit for the organization.

  6. Hi Nayani, agree with you.
    According to Benkhoff (1997), bank employees proposed a link between HRM characteristics such as integration, commitment, quality and flexibility and tried to relate it to outcome variables such as employee satisfaction, intention to stay and organizational performance in addition to that, commitment was found to be related to work satisfaction and intention to stay and was significantly related to organizational performance.

  7. Employees are attracted to flexible working arrangements for different reasons. For the younger workers, having the control and capability to plan out their day can leave them feeling more satisfied with both their life and work. For the more experienced professionals, having the flexibility to work from home will give them time to look after their children and their parents or spend time on their hobbies. Flexible arrangements may also be attractive to employees who prefer to work when they feel most productive, which could either be during the day or at night. Read: non-monetary rewards to attract talent and retain employees.

  8. Engaged employees are not simply working for salary and promotions but they also work effectively and efficiently for the growth of the company. Online employee engagement activities have become the most popular topic for leaders and HR professionals, because of the pandemic conditions.


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