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Design a job to Engage employees

Job Design is a productive factor where it can be used for two purposes, one is to satisfy the employees wants and in other hands to convince the organization (BELIAS and SKLIKAS, 2013). According to Armstrong, 2003 there are many factors in job design, those factors are – Job rotation – Job enlargement – Job enrichment – self-managing teams. Where Job design contains and works method which takes on from job performance (Durai, 2010). Viteles developed the first theory on job designing in 1950 (Hsieh and Chao, 2004). And the first factor of the job design is to clear path of the modification of Job characteristics, Such as - workload, autonomy, variety and workplace balance (Tement and Korunka, 2013).

Video – 1 Further lustration of job design in the organization

Source – (Gregg,2018)

Job design involves determining the tasks and responsibilities that employees in a particular job is expected to perform. Job design is a key component of effectively managing employees because it is one of the major ways to translate company goals into the special actions that employees perform in their jobs. Job design helps employees focus on the tasks and responsibilities that optimize their potential contribution for competitive advantage.

Innovations Innovates on Employee Engagement

There are various studies and research on innovation from various groups (Damanpour and Schneider, 2008) Where Many Investigations have determined that employee and organization will take to finest innovation as a key factor (Mumford and Gustafson, 1988). To geared favourable innovation methods, Human resource is the key element in an organization (Van de Ven, 1986). According to Unsworth, 2003 Innovation is a procedure of engaging of Processes, new ideas, procedure and service tools.

Video – 2 Further lustration of Innovation and employee engagement

Source – (Kwench,2017)

Innovation is the generation of new ideas and the implementation of those ideas. Creativity and innovation support to the organization growth specially in fast-changing industry. Employees who are able to create and innovate, like their job, better performers, a better relationship with teammates, relatively low stress and have higher personal growth. Engaged employees are the better innovators because pursue the challenge and immerse themselves in work. Attend to innovative responsibilities, and they are more emotionally connected to their work.

Work-Life Balance for Better Engagement

According to CIPD (2017) flexible working is well-liked in work-life balance (WLB) these days. They interpret flexible working as providing better occasion employee to select the venue, Working hours and duration of their work. Work-life balance concept is a win-win factor for employee and organization hence it is a support to employees to handle and balance they're personal and work life while organization staff turnover rate also will fall down where organization can keep the productive and effective employees with them (Wasay,2013). Highly engaged employees are working with the organization where the work-life balance concept is applying for (Galinsky & Johnson,1998).

Hitt, Miller and Colella, 2009 stated Not only positive effect but also there are many negative effects lack of work-life balance. Where,

ü  Stressful work life
ü  Physical and mental illnesses
ü  Family and personal life conflicts
ü  Furthermore, it will reduce the efficiency and productivity.

For better performance and to properly engaged employees work-life balance should carry with utmost care.


Ø  Armstrong, M. (2003). A Handbook of Management Techniques. 1st ed. London: Kogan Page Limited.

Ø  BELIAS, D. and SKLIKAS, D. (2013). International Journal of Human Resource. ASPECTS OF JOB DESIGN, 3(4), pp.85-93.

Ø  CIPD, (2017). Flexible working practices: Explores the benefit of flexible working, the types of arrangements commonly used and practical tips on implementing flexible working practices. Available at (Accessed: 10th August 2019).

Ø  Damanpour, F. and Schneider, M. (2008). Characteristics of Innovation and Innovation Adoption in Public Organizations: Assessing the Role of Managers. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(3), pp.495-522.

Ø  Durai, P. (2010). Human Resource Management. 1st ed. New Delhi: Pearson Education

Ø  Galinsky, E. and Johnson, A. (1998). Reframing the business case for work-life initiatives. New York, N.Y.: Families and Work Institute.

Ø  Hitt, M., Miller, C. and Colella, A. (2009). Organisational Behaviour. 2nd ed. New Yourk: Wiley.

Ø  Hsieh, A. and Chao, H. (2004). A reassessment of the relationship between job specialization, job rotation and job burnout: example of Taiwan's high-technology industry. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(6), pp.1108-1123.

Ø  Mumford, M. and Gustafson, S. (1988). Creativity syndrome: Integration, application, and innovation. Psychological Bulletin, 103(1), pp.27-43.

Ø  Tement, S. and Korunka, C. (2013). Does Trait Affectivity Predict Work-to-Family Conflict and Enrichment Beyond Job Characteristics? The Journal of Psychology, 147(2), pp.197-216.

Ø  Unsworth, K. (2003). Engagement in Employee Innovation: A Grounded Theory Investigation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2019].

Ø  Van de Ven, A. (1986). Central Problems in the Management of Innovation. Management Science, 32(5), pp.590-607.

Ø  Wasay, B.2013.An investigation of the relationship between work-life balance and employee engagement, Strategies HR Reviw,12(4).


  1. Hi Nayani,

    I am totally agree with you.“Job design” is identified as a crucial factor in work engagement and Innovative Work Behavior (Spiegelaere et al., 2015). I think organisations should be very careful when designing each job task. It can create a big influence on employees efficiency.

    1. Thank you very much for your valuable comment sithari, To create a more engaged employee HR department has more responsibility on time of when they creating a job vacancy. Hence to create productive and efficient employee Job design play a major role.

  2. I agree with above comments and further Employee engagement increases productivity, creates a better and productive work environment, and reduces employee turnover. Engaged employees want good communication with their superiors, work that has purpose for them and motivates them, and a safe working place. When these conditions are met, employees become engaged and as a result Organization will yield better financial results, employees will be proud of their organizations, and demonstrate enthusiasm (Caplan, 2013).

    1. Hi Chandran, Totally agree with the points you mentioned in my blog post, Employee engagement directly links with the organization performance (Kompaso and Sridevi, 2010). More adding to your comment When an organization earn engaged employee, organization increase the number of loyal customers and reduce the employee turnover as a major advantage.

  3. Hi,Nayani,
    when elaborate more on work-life balance for better engagement.Generally, each person's daily life is split into work place working time and working time (family life, buddy life) from outside of work place. The interaction between two spheres, work-life and work-family literature, has been deliberated by scholars for decades (Marta et al., 2016). Disturb life outside of work place will also bring negative effect to employee engagement.

    1. Hi Indika, Yes there is a positive impact by helping employees to balance the work-life Kompaso and Sridevi, 2010). The favorable outcome from an employee tends to balance the work-life where there is a very low chance of leaving the organization since they are much more comfortable by doing the work at the workplace.

  4. When it comes to the job designing, supports from the co-workers and colleagues to be taken in to consideration. Because researches are found that the interdependence of job roles, feedback from others and opportunities to get advice from other workers will create nice working environment and it leads to increase the employees engagement (Vance,2006).

    1. Hi Oshantha, Agreed on your comment designing job by identifying the internal and external factors create a comfortable environment for employee to work. Working in a comfortable stress-less atmosphere will leads to more engaged and high productive employee.

  5. In order to get the employees engaged, there must be a proper job where the management team should be more vigilant on designing a job considering many factors including organizational strategy, goals and objectives. This has a major impact on the effectiveness and the efficiency of the employees

    1. Thank you very much for your comment on my blog post yohan, When designing a job HR must looking to organization goal and objective where the job role can help to achieve the common goal of the organization. By reaching for a common goal organization will benefits with more productivity with a less cost.

  6. according to, Pinder (2008) based on a Study in USA highlights that due inefficiency of Human resource practices and procedures has hampered the Job design, therefore the same reason has been the concern for employee disengagement in most of the organization.

    1. Hi Mizni, Agreed with your comment on my blog post while adding Not only positive impacts there can be a negative impact if HR design a job without care. An employee may work without a proper direction where the level of stress level will increase and employee may not balance the work-life too.

  7. I agree with your points. Beyond these points, employers who support employees’ work-life balance can also benefit in terms of recruitment advantages and employer branding (Harrington & Ladge, 2009). All in all, work-life balance can influence employees’ behaviour and attitudes, which in turn positively affect organizations.

    1. Hi Chamari, Yes as you mentioned to earn more productivity organization must support employee to balance work-life. Happy employee always works with energy where the level of productivity and efficiency always high.

  8. We all can be agreed regarding the importance of Job design since it helps with the operations of an organization to do better. Job Design is the process of deciding on the contents of a job in terms of its duties and responsibilities, on the methods to be used in carrying out the job, in terms of techniques, systems and procedures, and on the relationships that should exist between the job holder and his superior subordinates and colleagues (Armstrong, 2003).

    1. Hi Namal, Thank you for adding important points on my blog post.By having a better work environment will create a higher job performance and higher job satisfaction. Having a proper employee is an investment for any organization. Designing a job should cater two-aspect one is to satisfy the employee and another side it is important to satisfy the organization (Belias and Sklikas, 2013).

  9. Hi Nayani, Engaged employee is certainly an asset to any organization. To keep him engaged through out, it is necessary to offer him a job role where he will be more participative and will be in the field which interests him the most (Osbourne and Hammoud, 2017). Hence, it is the responsibility of the recruitment team to sort the ideal individual for thee given job.

    1. Hi Sahan, Thank you for your comment on my blog post, an engaged employee is easily creating a loyal customer to the organization whereby having a loyal customer is an asset to an organization (Robertson-Smith and Markwick 2009). To have an engaged employee to the organization it is important to recruit a suitable candidate while designing a better job. HR plays a major role in the initial stage of recruitment to earn a engage employee.

  10. Yes Nayani, the CIPD (2007) proposes that employee engagement is driven by opportunities for up wards feedback, effective consultation and communication systems, and a manager who is fair and visibly committed to the organisation. Effective and assertive relationships are a vital lever for engagement, within which the attitudes of managers and staff have an impact upon the development of relationships (Cleland et al., 2008).

    1. Agree with your comment on my blog post sheron, While adding Employee engagement creates a discipline among the organization. Where most of the employees are self-motivated, committed to working with effectively and working with a positive attitude. Where ultimately benefits the organization and employees.

  11. Hi Nayani, an interesting post.
    job design remains a topic that receives much less attention from employers and policymakers as a driver of engagement compared with other aspects of management such as leadership or management style (Truss, 2012).

  12. Nice post. thanks for sharing
    Virtual employee engagement ideas is an online event to engage work-from-home employees in various team building activities and games to boost their morale. These ideas also help in maintaining the balance between social life and the work-life of a remote employee.

  13. Nice Blog! SOS is an digital employee engagement platform that offers fun, interactive Online employee engagement activities and games you can play with office colleagues online and remotely.

  14. Amazing Blog! Looking for fun games to start your day and to enjoy with your coworkers, then you’re in the right place. Go and check out the list of Online Employee Engagement games. And, Get ready to have fun and enjoy with your remote team and coworkers.


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