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Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is the employee’s inner devotedness to the organization and the decision they take to make the organization to success; where those employees passion for duty, committed and result-oriented (Allen, 2014). Some of the important employee engagement strategies lead to, Decrease in employee turnover, Better productivity, Finer efficiency, Gain bottom line profit and loyal towards customers (Robertson-Smith and Markwick, 2009). Investing in employee engagement will result in a positive relationship in the organization performance. Enhancing positive traits and promoting higher performance in the organization is often relates positively to customer satisfaction. Therefore, engagement is seen to be a good thing for both the employer and employee. The employer gains a performing and stable workforce while the employee satisfied through the working environment (Kompaso and Sridevi, 2010).

Drivers of Employee Engagement

According to the various researches, dedicated employee performance one step higher than the other employees (Robinson, Perryman and Hayday, 2004). Five powerful drivers identified in employee engagement,1-Honesty between employee and the organization,2-Training & Development,3-Support to manage the work-life,4-To develop personally and professionally,5-Perspicuity (Singh,2016). In paintings on worker selection researchers have tested integrity as a predictor of job overall performance and counterproductive behaviour (Becker, 1998). Training and development Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in better overall performance where final results benefit to the employer (Nawaz et al., 2014). Maintaining a standard of living leads to a dynamic and faithful well-established employee (K.P. and Dr.V., 2017). The ability to motivate and inspire others So giving recognition in the form of feedback little and often create a good leader (Rawas and Seddawy, 2015).

o   Allen, M. (2014). Employee Engagement – A Culture Change.

o   Becker, T. (1998). Integrity in Organizations: Beyond Honesty and Conscientiousness. The Academy of Management Review, 23(1), p.154.

o   K.P., A. and Dr.V., K. (2017). Study on Work Life Balance. International Journal of Research in Arts and Science, 3(Special Issue, 2017), p.35

o   Kompaso, S. and Sridevi, M. (2010). Employee Engagement: The Key to Improving Performance. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(12), pp.92-95.

o   Nawaz, M., Hassan, M., Hassan, S., Shaukat, S. and Asadulla, M. (2014). Impact of Employee Training and Empowerment on Employee Creativity Through Employee Engagement. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 19(4), p.595.

o   Rawas, A. and Seddawy, A. (2015). Leadership Development and Employees Empowerment. International Journal of Economic and Business Management, 3(4), p.43.

o   Robertson-Smith, G. and Markwick, C. (2009). Employee Engagement A review of current thinking. 1st ed. Brighton: INSTITUTE FOR EMPLOYMENT STUDIES, pp.17-21.

o   Robinson, D., Perryman, S. and Hayday, S. (2004). The Drivers of Employee Engagement. 1st ed. Brighton: INSTITUTE FOR EMPLOYMENT STUDIES, p.6.



  1. I agree with above comments. Employee engagement is seen as a motivational factor towards organization’s achieving its objectives. The good environment that is offered to the worker enables him to offer the best that the organization needs for its achievement of goals and objectives (Paluku, 2016).

    1. Hi Chandran, Thank you for your comment on employee engagement towards motivation. As you mentioned to increase engagement, motivation is a factor which works psychologically (Kreitner,1995).

  2. Osborne and Hammoud (2017)'s research highlights the importance of employee engagement in driving organisational profitability, and enabling customer service skills amongst its employees.

    1. Thank you for your valuable comment on my blog kanchana, It is important to focus on engagement for an any organization since it is a driving tool towards organization profitability. According to Kompaso and Sridevi, (2010) organization earn more profits trough engaged and motivated employees.

  3. Hi,Nayani,
    When it comes to drivers of employee engagement.Most elements of working life are closely linked to levels of commitment. Nonetheless, a feeling of being respected and involved is the strongest driver of all. There are several key components to this.
    1.Involvement in decision-making 2.The degree to which employees feel able to express their opinions and management listen to those viewpoints and appreciate the input of employees 3. the incentives for employees to improve their work 4.the extent to which employees ' safety and well-being affects the company (Robinson, Perryman,and Hayday, 2004)

    1. Thank you very much, Indika for your feedback on my blog, As you state there are plenty of ways to categorize drivers of employee engagement. It is very important to feel great psychologically while work. Being involved in organization decisions psychologically engaged employees to the work. Engaged employees skills are always enhancing with more often with an innovative idea (Clarke, 2019).

  4. Agreed,As per the Penna research report (2007) describe,The meaning of work has the potential to become a valuable way to bring employers and employees closer together, which helps employees to experience community awareness, become their own space and make opportunities to contribute, and they find purpose.Employees want to work in organizations that they think work makes sense.

  5. Agreed.When employees are ‘engaged’, they stand up for their company because they are proud to be a part of it. Also find solutions to problems and create ideas to improve the productivity of the organization (Allen, 2014).

    1. Thank you very much Oshantha on your valuable comment, As you state employees always being valued when an employee engages in the organization"s decision making. When an employee involves to decision making more the employee committed to achieving the set target (Robinson, Perryman,and Hayday, 2004).

  6. Agreed, when positive emotions like involvement, teamwork and care happens within an organisation, employee engagement prevails which increases performance (Robinson, 2006).

    1. Thank you Shakir for your valuable addition to my blog post, Positive emotions always drive employees to engaged employees where engaged employee ultimately support to achieve organizations common goal such as increased productivity. This is the best path to achieve individual and organization goal (Penna, 2007).

  7. Main drivers for engagement are Integrity,Employee voice,Engaging line managers, Leadership and Relationships with co-workers.

    1. Hi Radchika as you mentioned there are many ways of categorizing employee engagement. The ultimate objective of establishing drivers should be to increase the level of engaged employees in an organization (Kompaso and Sridevi, 2010).

  8. I agree that the employee engagement plays a major role in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization (Kompaso and Sridevi, 2010). Employee is the most valuable live resource of the organization that gives a tremendous output for the organization and at the same time hard to manage. In such context, engaging managing them effectively and efficiently is very much essential for the development of the organization.

    1. Thank you very much, Yohan, For your valuable comment on my blog post, It is more important to concern on engagement as you mentioned organization more looking towards highest productivity and efficiency. In order, achieve the above objectives line managers often take actions to enhance the employee engagement Kompaso and Sridevi (2010).

  9. Hi Nayani, I would like to add few more points regarding the drivers of employee engagement. As stated by Ward (2018), an empowered employee will have a voice, and companies must ensure that mechanisms are in place to make sure their voices are heard. Secondly, engaging line managers, who ensure proper supervision and feedback is provided is also a driver of employee engagement (Ward, 2018).

    1. Hi Jehan, Thanks for your concern where engaged employees always emotionally attached to the organization. Employees are always working with positive attitudes and passion where employer always listen and respect to the employee hence employer make sure to get advice from an employee for an important decision making to feel employee better (Perrin, 2003).

  10. Agree with your comments furthermore, According to Cooper-Thomas, Paterson, Stadler, and Saks (2014), Employee engagement can be improved by frequent performance reviews and establishing high expectations therefore, Organizations are finding ways to reduce cost and increase productivity to manage the shortage of resources (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017).

    1. Thank you mizni for adding a more important point to my blog post, to improve engagement organization use monetary and non-monetary rewards system. whereby establishing a reward system employee stimulate employee to enhance productivity and efficiency (Gallup, 2006).

  11. Crisp introduction to the topic. To elaborate a bit further on the what triggers employee engagement, one of the key characteristics is that engaged employees are able to relate their job descriptions with the objectives of the organization (CIPD, 2019). In the holistic view, employee engagement also correlates to the awareness of the employee on how the business is performing & the alignment of the employee with the organizational objectives.

    1. Hi Nadeeranga, Thank you very much for the valuable point you add, Engaged employee dedicate to the job where the organization easily can achieve the set goals and targets. The organization willingness is similar to employees wiliness. Furthermore, engagement will enlarge the bottom line profit, Performance and productivity which s benefits to the organization and employee (Robertson-Smith and Markwick 2009).

  12. Employees engagement lead to increase organization and individual outcome therefor, organization has to consider factors that affected on employee engagement such as salary, incentive, training ,work culture,reward and recognition (Markos and Sridevi, 2010).

    1. Agreed on your comment sankalpa, Not only by giving financial rewards such as better pay, sound bonus, paid vacation but also by offering non-financial rewards such as training and development, appreciation middle of the meeting and sending an email or letter to appreciate to the hard work are increasing employee objectives toward the organization.

  13. You have clearly mentioned different opinions on the employee engagement which I am highly agreed with. Employee engagement can be identified as a motivational factor for every organization to go for their goals at the end of the day. Kompaso (2010), has clearly stated that employee engagement increases profits of an organization.

  14. All the above points are valid. One other hidden aspect of Employee Engagement is that, while dealing with a specific industry's employee engagement, their specific needs must be understood in the context of what factors would motivate and engage their employees. The section of the industry has its own particular concerns that are vital to keeping its workers motivated: once addressed, employees feel engaged Creative people need a good atmosphere in the organization, so they feel motivated and engaged (Saxena, 2019).

    1. Hi Anjula, Thank you very much for your comment, Motivation plays a major role to an engaged employee. A motivated employee engaged in the work with a more committed and efficient manner. Motivation and engagement have a positive relationship. Where an organization investing in motivation by expecting to increase the level of engagement.

  15. Agreed, Employee engagement is based on trust, integrity, two way commitment and communication between an organisation and its members. It is an approach that increases the chances of business success, contributing to organisational and individual performance, productivity and well-being. It can be measured. It varies from poor to great. It can be nurtured and dramatically increased; it can be lost and thrown away (David, 2013)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you very much on your comment for my blog post. Engaged employee always link organization line managers where the managers always ensure to listen and accept the outcome of the employee while appreciating the same.Employee also tend to act according to the line managers supervision. According to Kompaso and Sridevi,(2010) employee always satisfied with the organization work environment by having communication and employer gain stable work group.

  16. Hi Nayani, agree with you on points.
    according to Kahn (1990), engagement means to be psychologically as well as physically present when occupying and performing an organizational role.

  17. Engaged employees care for the company, they’re not simply working for salary and promotions but they also work effectively and efficiently for the growth of the company. Online employee engagement activities have become the most popular topic for leaders and HR professionals, because of the pandemic conditions.

  18. Thanks for sharing this interesting article with us! SOS is an digital employee engagement platform that offers fun, interactive Online employee engagement activities and games you can play with office colleagues online and remotely.


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