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Employee Orientation -Keep On board with utmost care while Keep Engaged

(DiMarco, 2005) Mentioned how to grow an orientation plan,
  • ·         Getting help from the commit and dedicated person can develop an orientation plan.
  • ·         The Organizer should corporate with office staff to get the required documentation.
  • ·         The Organizer should arrange a plan while thinking office background as well as family back ground.
  • ·         Orientation plan should be specified when appearing information. Assumptions cannot appear.
  • ·         To identify the issues of the new plan, prior to hiring the new employee orientation plan should share with existing employees and related parties.
  • ·         Maintaining a proper record.
  • ·         Working according to checklist.

employee’s creativity while building a path to enhance skills will create a creative employee (Lee and Yang, 2015). One of the most considerable ways to the organization to enhance the efficiency of the organization's talent management system after productive recruitment is tactically using employee orientation (Bauer, 2010). A successfulness of the orientation program will show how fast the employee can be more efficient in the long term as well as how to like them to engage in work (Personnel Practices: Employee Orientation Policies, 2007).

The Organization I Work for, considering orienting new employee is essential to perform their job as quickly as possible. Orientation is very important why the organization conducting a training program on new employees. Without good planning, new employee orientation session can be irrelevant and waste of time to a new employee as well as department superiors. Without too much of information on the first day. By conducting a proper orientation program organization use to enhance the level of employee engagement.

Organization use to welcome new employee to the organization and share with them the history of the company. as well as the organization’s vision, mission and values. Sharing the organizational structure of the company. organization discuss their responsibilities. Where the manager of the assigned staff will personally show then around the office by introducing the office staff.

Evaluation of Robinson Model of Employee Engagement

Figure 1 – Robinson Models driving factors 

According to (s and Joy, 2018) Robinson 2004 implemented this model to define the sense of value as a considerable component of employee engagement. This model directly linked to human being personal values. To enhance the mentioned values Immediate supervisor should develop, proper training and development programs, Proper appraisals and offering good pay and benefits and family friendliness. Emotional drivers though to have multiple impacts on employee engagement than rational drivers (Imandin,Bisschoff & Botha,2014).

To enhance the emotional feeling valued to employee The organization I work for recognizing the employees' hard work and create a good environment to work where all of the employees feel good about the work their doing. Proper pay and benefits also offered to an employee where appraising the employee's commitment from time to time. Mind scans of an employee is a simple solution to better communicate and to a better understanding of an employee. The organization only take a few minutes to determine if their emotional state has physical signs as if their shoulders and jaw are more stiff than usual.


Ø  DiMarco, S. (2005). Practicing the golden rule: Creating a win-win new employee orientation. College & Research Libraries News, 66(2), p.110.

Ø  Lee, H. and Yang, T. (2015). Employee Goal Orientation, Work Unit Goal Orientation and Employee Creativity. Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(4), p.659.

Ø  Bauer, T. (2010). Onboarding New Employees: Maximizing Success. 1st ed. Alexandria: SHRM Foundation, p.1.

  ØPersonnel Practices: Employee Orientation Policies. (2007). 1st ed. Duke Street: International Public Management Association for Human Resources. 


  1. Robinson Model of Employee Engagement,It is purely based on a person's values, and to some extent, it may be high, medium or neutral. Managers can create this value factor by providing appropriate training and communication strategies developed in the organization. This model is ideal for industries and related business activities where a large number of employees work(Carbonara, 2012).

    1. Thank you very much sahan for adding more value to my blog post. Training is essential to engage employees since training is a development and delivery of information people will use in their job and development also play a major in the mentioned model since the development refer to learning that makes employee better.

  2. Wallace (2009) stated the benefits of the orientation program are increasing employee confidence, increasing commitment to the organization, improving positive relationship and good communication between the new employee, the supervisor and other close coworkers, clarifying expectations and providing reliable information. Accordingly all these things are lead to increase employee engagement.

    1. Hi Oshantha, Thank you for adding comment on my blog post.While agreeing with the benefits you have mentioned on orientation. Proper orientation will bring an engaged employee to the organization.such as before starting a day sending a welcome email and first day onward having proper communication while ensuring that the employees know and understand the organization policies and procedure will make proper orientation successful.

  3. Wonderful blog! Employees, always find a plan to connect, because they need colleagues to celebrate their successful moments. Engagement activities at the office make employees happy. We bring the Engagement activities online for employees to make office employee engagement events exciting and memorable.


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