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Google Googling Engaged Employee

Google has been very intentional about creating the culture they want. One purpose of that culture is google is to focus on transparency. This concept is to break down barriers, encourage creativity and collaboration. As a result, Employees are feeling empowered. Culture comes down to behavioural habits and Google, by creating a culture of transparency and freedom, creates habits of creativity. High Transparency leads to identify employee’s strength and capacity (Yi et al., 2016).

Video 1 –Further Illustration of Google strategies of engagement

(Source – Google,2013)

Employees who work at google self-motivated and committed to their work, where the employees are enjoying,
  • ·         Free foods every day(Organic)
  • ·         Free classes and lectures
  • ·         Relax Office environment creates them to work freely and with less stress.
  • ·         Gym and fitness facility
  • ·         Free health and dental
  • ·         Free Haircuts
  • ·         Free dry cleaning
  • ·         Death benefits
  • ·         Nap pods (CBS News, 2013)

The organization believes engaged employee will increase organization’s productivity. Hence organization looks like a playground, not an office for employees to work happily.

Maslow”s Needs with Engagement Needs

Abraham Harold Maslow Proposed introduces Maslow”s Hierarchy of need with five-tiered which could match with an organization and to its employees to motivate (Kumar Tiwari and Raitani, n.d.). Maslow”s Hierarchy of needs one does not sense the second need till the order of the former or latter have been met, and so on (Jerome, 2013).

(Source - (Kavya and Padmavathy, 2017))

According to Kavya and Padmavathy, 2017 Maslow”s Hierarchy theory is a good way to engage the employee where the survival and security are the basic needs, employees are more concern after belonging need hence employee always wants to corporate and engaged to the work. The most valued stage is self-actualization where employee fulfilled employee ambition and this stage employee is highly engaged and motivated.

Maslow”s Hierarchy of Needs Theory to Practical Application (Hoffman and Ortiz, 2009)

Biological and physiological Needs –These are fundamental needs such as Food/water/shelter. The organization can provide food or a special rate on foods and this is a basic need of an employee (Huitt, 2007).

Safety Needs – Not only food, water or safety but also organization should provide a safe environment to work in the organization. The organization can provide funds for children’s education and also organization can provide special loan scheme with a very low-interest-rate where an employee can live comfortably.

Belonging Needs – Human being always likes to associate with someone, wherein the organization Line managers can corporate and friendly with employees where an employee feels essential to the organization (Aruma and Enwuvesi Hanachor, 2007).

Self Esteem – To enrich employee’s self-esteem organization can reward and recognize their achievement while appreciating the hard input and effort made.

Self Esteem – To enrich employee’s self-esteem organization can reward and recognize their achievement while appreciating the hard input and effort made.


  ØAruma, E. and Enwuvesi Hanachor, M. (2007). International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability. ABRAHAM MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS AND ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 15(7).

Ø  CBS News (2013). Inside Google workplaces, from perks to nap pods. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2019].

Ø  Google (2013). Further Illustration of Google strategies of engagement. [video] Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2019].

Ø  Hoffman, E. and Ortiz, F. (2009). IHRIM Journal. Enhancing Employee Engagement: A Validation Study In Italy, 8(3), pp.44-50.

Ø  Huitt, W. (2007). Educational Psychology Interactive: Maslow's hierarchy of needs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Aug. 2019].

Ø Jerome, N. (2013). International Journal of Business and Management Invention. Application of the Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory; impacts and implications on organizational culture, human resource and employee’s performance, [online] 2(3), pp.40-42. Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2019].

Ø  Kaur, A. (2013). Global Journal of Management and Business Studies. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory: Applications and Criticisms, 3(10).

Ø  Kavya, M. and Padmavathy, G. (2017). Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Employee Engagement: A Review on Engagement Models, 3(2), p.872.


Ø  Yi, H., Hao, P., Yang, B. and Liu, W. (2016). How Leaders’ Transparent Behavior Influences Employee Creativity: The Mediating Roles of Psychological Safety and Ability to Focus Attention. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 24(3), p.337


  1. Sure Nayani, In Google employees are feeling empowered. They take care of the families even by providing sports facilities & special facilities to the spouses of the employees. (Robinson Resource Group 2013). By using the best practice approach Google has created high transparency their own environment to the employees.

    1. Thank You Anne for your comment on blog post, As mentioned Google is a leading organization where more concerning about the employee engagement. As a result google developed many strategies to engaged employees while motivating. Hence employees are working with more satisfied way with higher productivity.

  2. Agreed, Diversity is a prominent challenge facing businesses today. Most employers are aware that diversity in the workplace is important, yet many don’t realize that their workforce isn’t as diverse as they believe it to be or as diverse as it could be (Gupta, 2008)

    1. Hi Chathura, Adding furthermore to your comment,True that multitasking is good while this can lead to engagement to disengagement where by doing multiple work at one time disengaged some employees. According to Wildermuth,( 2019) tedious work role creates a disengaged employee.

  3. Wonderful blog! Employees, always find a plan to connect, because they need colleagues to celebrate their successful moments. Engagement activities at the office make employees happy. We bring the Engagement activities online for employees to make office employee engagement events exciting and memorable.

  4. Amazing Blog! Are you searching for a monthly engagement calendar? If yes, then you’re in the right place. This calendar is a way to communicate with your employees. It's a great idea to use this as a reminder of all your company events. It includes monthly ideas and activities to enjoy with your coworkers.


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