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Employee Retention Towards Engagement

Employee retention is an activity to remain the faithful employee in the organization while keeping away from to move another organization (Ivanovic, 2006). To create career opportunities and to create a path to develop the employees' career will straightly impact to reduce the staff turnover and to retain an employee with the organization (Francis, 2014). Unwanted staff turnover may grow the staff recruitment cost of the organization hence it is necessary to guarantee the organization’s employee retention (Taylor, 2002). Organization have to incur major losses if they lose a fully equipped employee (Rancis, 2014).

Video 1 – Further Illustration of Employee retention

(Source – Gregg,2018)

Employee retention is a key element that all the organization have to admit in. Employee retention can be enhanced through developing an attractive and benefits program such as medical insurance and retirement savings plan. Providing training and mentoring help them to set goals in the organization and overall career. Where recognizing and acknowledging employee’s achievement will go over and above regular job performance. examples - Selecting an employee of the month, Communicate the achievement with the rest of the employees of the team.

The organization I work for use some key factors to retain employees in the organization. The main factor is organization creating a culture to retain the employees is to capture the changing need of the employees as close to real-time as possible and take action to address those needs. Always continues feedback data-driving strategy hence Organization identifying the reason of why employee join, stay and leave the organization. By using the mentioned data organization act to predict and to prevent the turnover. By implementing lessons learned from the organization behaviour also become a reason to retain the employee.

Recruit The Best

Recruitment is the censorious and major activity where an organization direct towards successfulness. The suitable recruitment process will enhance organization productivity and efficiency (Barber, 1998).

ü  Steps followed to recruitment (Armstrong,2009).
ü  Identification of the requirement
ü  Attract suitable applicant
ü  Shortlisting the applications
ü  Initial test and followed by an interview
ü  Evaluate the suitable applicant
ü  Gather references for chosen applicant
ü  Checking applications
ü  Issuing Employment offer letter
ü  Follow-up

The organization I work for recruit employees in the following way, the first step is to identify the vacancy whether recruitment for branch or department. After identifying the requirements organization tend to prepare job description and job specification. Next step is to advertise the vacancy such as websites, social media or Organization Official website. after receiving an application for the vacancy organization is shortlisting the suitable candidate for the job and arranging an interview with the shortlisted candidates.


The findings in the blogs show employee engagement activities in an organized organization often will help employees to work more effectively and productively. Still, it is hard to work toward excellence. Therefore the organizations are all the time working towards making the work environment the “Employee Choice”.
there is a wider array of measurement techniques with which to assess trends in engagement and an associated array of approaches to effect some change. Thus, aspiration can more feasibly be translated into action.

Key ingredients of effective employee engagement are having in place an appropriate leadership style and effective two-way communications with employees. This creates an open and honest environment where employees feel that their ideas are being listened to and that they can make a contribution to decision making. Engaged employees are more likely to be proud to work for their organization and therefore will believe in and live out the values of the organization.


      Ø Armstrong, M. (2009). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. 11th ed. London: Kogan Page.

Ø  Francis, A. (2014). International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Human Resource Management Practices and Employee retention, 5(2)

Ø  Ivanovic, A. (2006). Dictionary of human resources and personnel management. Huntingdon: A & C Black.

Ø  Rancis, A. (2014). International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Human Resource Management Practices and Employee retention, 5(2).

Ø  Taylor, C. (2002). Focus on Talent. Training and Development.


  1. I agree on your points. Further, engagement is the key to achievement and retention. Highly-engaged employees try 57 percent harder, perform 20 percent better, and are 87 percent less willing to leave than low-engagement employees (Council, 2004).

    1. Hi Anjula, Thank you for comment while agreeing the same Armstrong (2009) mentioned essentials of line managers to increasing employee engagement levels. Properly trained line manager to equip them with the skills and knowledge required to act their role in the organization productively. Line Manger play a major role to engage employee towards achieving common goal of the organization.


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