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Engagement to Disengagement

According to researchers most of the leaders are creating or live in a background where the engagement barriers hard to overcome (Welbourne, 2007). According to Balaji (2014), the following are the circumstances for employee engagement,
  • ·         Lack of Knowledge about employee engagement
  • ·         Limitation of measurement of employee engagement programs
  • ·         Effecting of the external factors
  • ·         Difficulty in knowing teenaged thoughts
  • ·         Insufficient of a corporation with superiors 

Many dominant factors in south Africa pose a challenge to employee engagement. such as, the deepness of organization’s leadership style, Shortages of key resources, labour disputes, High poverty levels, Jobless and lack of proper education which directly affects employee engagement (Cawe, 2006). According to Kular et al, (2019) research states that all the countries socio-culture, Political and economic conditions of all the nations are varying hence the employee's attitude and behaviour also differ and vary. Employee engagement is a matter where physiology impact high on employees.

Imposing irrelevant rules and regulations, create fear among employees to the work they assigned, tedious work role, Ignoring HR issues are disengagement factors inline to (Wildermuth, 2019). 

The organization I work for also lead some employees to disengage. Employees may transfer from good performance to Disengaged and performing poorly. Each employee is different in terms of aspiration, different needs based on their personality. The line manager has to identify the employees need but some line managers are not coordination properly by identifying mentioned. To some of the employees' job become too routing, employees are not using properly their skills and talent and this leads some of the employees to disengage. Employees want to develop their talents because that will keep the employee marketable in 
the economic, Lack of proper training activities also a road to disengaged. Things are getting change rapidly especially with technology sometimes organization fail to provide ongoing training and development where employee feel disengaged. Majority of the employees looking for growth may be a higher level of jobs responsibilities or management roles or the employee should feel they progressing with the company but organization fail to identify the employees' aspirations and fail to offer opportunities to grow. 

Gallup”s Engagement Hierarchy & Penna”s Model of Employee Engagement

Gallup”s Engagement Hierarchy

(Source - (Kavya and Padmavathy, 2017))

Gallup has carried out many types of research on engagement. Out of these researchers’ regular consequences are learning and developments, career opportunities,& sense of belongingness as dominant factors (Kavya and Padmavathy, 2017). Gallup selected motivation as a possible measure of engagement (Vladislav, Elena and Sofia, n.d.) Gallup investigation shows productive organization continually explain the organization’s overall mission (Imandin, Bisschoff and Botha, 2014).

Penna”s Model of Employee Engagement

(Source - (S and Gladstone Joy, 2018))

Penna”s model related to employee workplace circumstance where a job accomplishment for the employees (Bhatla, 2011). Accomplishment arrives from when an employee being appraised (MEHTA and MEHTA, 2013) Employee Participation is a main principle where the main purpose is to protect the employee’s thoughts (Beardwell and Thompson, 2007) According to S and Gladstone Joy, (2018) Penna”s modal is a notable proceed towards to reduce employee turnover while the model support to enhance the culture and communicate among employees.


  ØBalaji, R. (2014). International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Issues and Challenges Faced By HR Managers in Employee Engagement in It Sectors, 3(6), p.13115.

Ø  Beardwell, J. and Thompson, A. (2007). Human resource management. 5th ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Ø  Bhatla, N. (2011). International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. To study the Employee Engagement practices and its effect on employee performance with special reference to ICICI and HDFC Bank in Lucknow, [online] 2(8), p.4. Available at: [Accessed 11 Aug. 2019].

Ø  Cawe, M. (2006). Research report for Masters in Human Resources Management, Johannesburg, University of Witwatersrand. FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA.

Ø  Imandin, L., Bisschoff, C. and Botha, C. (2014). Problems and Perspectives in Management. A model to measure employee engagement, 12(4), p.526.

Ø   Kavya, M. and Padmavathy, G. (2017). Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Employee Engagement: A Review on Engagement Models, [online] 3(2), pp.872-873. Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2019].

Ø  Kular, S., Gatenby, M., Rees, C., Soane, E. and Truss, K. (2019). Kingston Business School. Employee Engagement: A Literature Review. [online] London: Working Paper Series No 19. Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2019].

Ø  MEHTA, D. and MEHTA, N. (2013). Economia. Seria Management. Employee Engagement: A Literature Review, 16(2), pp.211-213.

Ø  S, V. and Gladstone Joy, N. (2018). Journal of Management Research and Analysis. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT- MODELS AND ORGANISATIONAL IMPLICATIONS, [online] 5(3), pp.80-81. Available at: [Accessed 11 Aug. 2019].

Ø  Vladislav, D., Elena, R. and Sofia, L. (n.d.). History, Problems and Prospects of Development of Modern Civilization. Abstractness model of employee engagement, pp.441-445.

Ø  Welbourne, T. (2007). Employee engagement: Beyond the fad and into the executive suite. Leader to Leader, 2007(44), pp.49-50.

Ø  Wildermuth, C. (2019). Seven Simple Lessons to Prevent Employee Disengagement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Aug. 2019].


  1. Sun, Li & Bunchapattanasakda, Chanchai. (2019) states, employee engagement as a personal trait of an individual based on experience associated with his work in the particular organisational context, which must evolve naturally.

    1. Hi Kanchana, Adding more to your comment The engaged employee uses to spend the time with communicating with other employees and initiating proper things which add value to the organization naturally while empowering and motivating others (Meyer & Allen, 1997).

  2. Conquering with your analysis, I would like to add a bit more on the impact of leadership on employee engagement. According to Armstrong (2009) a very important role is played by the line managers in increasing employee engagement levels. They must be trained and equipped with the skills and knowledge required to play this role. As you have noted, leaders who lack knowledge in employee engagement concept may create an environment that promotes disengagement.

    1. Hi Nadeeranga, Agreeing with your valuable comment while A leader is involving for important stages of attracting, motivating and retaining employees. an engaged employer may be a single best predictor for an organization Hence engaged employee is an asset for any organization while they act as a leader.

  3. Wonderful blog! Employee engagement activities at the workplace can lead employees to be stress-free and energetic. The simple approach to engaging employees in fun activities and games. We bring some Engagement activities for employees online, to boost employees morale and work efficiency for the company or corporation.


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